Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Glamour Sessions

For those of you thinking a head to Valentine's Day or maybe even an is a unique gift idea. An individual portrait of yourself for that special someone in your life. Take the time to do that intimate portrait where you can be your most gorgeous self. Works for men or women. Hey you don't even have to give it could always keep it for yourself too. Nothing like an amazing portrait of yourself.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Another Blast From The Past!

As the summer was coming to the end I had made a trip to the fantastic outdoor market here in St. Albert. I noticed someone off to side.....well actually I noticed her hair first......LOL! I said to myself that's a cute cut, I should go short again. And then it registered.....I know her! And before you know it..... I was doing her family portrait.
It was great to catch up with Lisa and meet her beautiful family.

We will definitely have to get together for that glass of wine.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Old Friends!

I sometimes wonder about the people I grew up with. The ones I saw all the time from elementary school through to high school. Once you move on and start that chosen path you lose touch with many people.
One day late last fall I checked my email and right there a name popped up. It was familiar. I was delighted that someone I went to school so many years ago was contacting me to photograph her family.
It was great to catch up and meet her beautiful family. Thanks for contacting me, Jenn!
I had a great time and you all look fabulous.


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a great holiday season! I sure did but now it is back to work. I decided to start off 2008 with an attempt at a Child Portrait Accreditation. Ten images are selected for the submission. Here are just 3 of them. I will show you more as the weeks go on.
The CD will be sent off today to the Professional Photographers of Canada for judging in a couple of weeks. I will let you know how it does in about a month or so....wish me luck!
