Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Glamour Fun

Here is a shot from a recent glamour session. I have a great time with these sessions.....probably because they are usually a secret gift for that special someone. I think photos make great gifts and it is always a pleasure to part of some one's gift giving.


Monday, November 17, 2008

Holiday Cards!

It is that time of year again! Christmas is fast approaching and for those of you interested in photo holiday cards now is the time. Cards are on special for the month of November. $2.50 per card minimum 20. A great way to send out warm holiday wishes from the family!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

November.....where did it go?

Wow, It is hard to believe that it is already mid November. Time flew by at an alarming rate!!

This past weekend was our annual provincial convention for the Professional Photographers of Canada. It was a busy weekend of print competition and great speakers. I had a pretty good submission this year. 2 images were accepted into the salon and a third was awarded a merit. And for those of you wondering a merit is a higher score than the accepted. So all and all it was a good showing.
I was thinking of posting the competition images today but I realized they have been posted on here in the past.....I select images I have done of clients. I will post them at a later date when I prepare them for the National competition in New Year.

In the mean time enjoy a fun shot from last week!
