Saturday, January 17, 2009

Education Time

I am excited to say I am off for a little bit of relaxing and a little bit of education. The Professional Photographers of Canada -- Alberta (PPOC-AB) is having a week of seminars in the Mayan Riviera. I will be taking in some great speakers from Canada as well as Mexico. I'm looking forward to both recharging and being inspired. I will share my shots from the seminar as soon as I return!

Take care,


Family Fun

I photographed a great family before Christmas. The energy was fun and silly.....and I do enjoy a little bit of silliness. The results of the session have to be some of my favorites of last year. I was so excited I had to make up a sample album for the studio immediately! Here are a few pages from the book. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.



Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!

I started 2009 off with an outdoor portrait session this past Friday. -28 degrees!! The Ferguson Family wanted to capture their holidays together with an outdoor snowy portrait. Originally from South Africa this is the second winter for 4 of them and the first for 2 members of the they are just visiting from Australia. It is great to have a story to go along with your family portrait. They will certainly be able to entertain many friends back home with their tale of the -28 degree portrait session with the frosty hair and pink noses.

Here is a favorite from the session!
