Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I met these fabulous ladies last week on the top of a parkade! The shoot was to introduce the group and illustrate that they are women in the way up! They are all about the empowerment of women. You can read more about them on their website. An awesome group, I wish them great success with their adventures.

I had a great time with this shoot. Fun and a little bit daring! Always a great combination.


Friday, July 17, 2009

Faces of Business

We recently took part in a project with the St. Albert Chamber of Commerce. It was/is called "Faces of Business". The chamber wants to start using business member images in their publications rather than stock images. I think it is a fabulous idea. Not because I was the one who had the privilege of photographing some of our outstanding local business owners. But because it is a great way to put a face to the name. Sometimes we are so busy keeping our businesses running smoothly from behind the scenes that we are not immediately recognized. This project is a great way to be recognized. I look forward to seeing what the chamber has in store for these images.

I had my assistant Brittany do my portrait. I didn't want to be left out.



As usual there has been a great demand for head shots. And not just for business. It seems this time each year there is an increase in actors head shots. I have had all kinds this year. A couple of people responding to movie casting calls and TV commercials. But mostly it has been a lot of young people trying out for theater. I wish all of you the best of luck with your adventures!

Kate is the fabulous girl in this image series. Enjoy the theater!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Summer Lovin'

We are having a Portrait Special! Summer Lovin' will be in effect from July 10 through to the 17th. Drop us a line to book your session in the great outdoors!
The studio is also starting an annual portrait road trip. We will be shooting in the Edson/Peers area from July 22 through to July 26. So if you are living in those areas call now to book your session....they are booking quick! Or if you don't live in those areas but are willing to drive you can do that too. There are some great back drops -- rustic cars, old barns, etc.
Summer Lovin' Pricing will also be in effect for the road trip!!

Hope you are all enjoying the summer!


Monday, July 6, 2009

Pets, pets, pets!

A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of photographing the staff of an Edmonton vet clinic with their pets. As in any situation involving furry critters I had a great time barking and squeaking to capture every one's attention.
Thank you to the Terwilliger Vet Clinic for the opportunity to create your staff portrait!
I will talk to you soon!
