Friday, November 6, 2009

Baby Seth

It is hard to keep up with my blog posts this time of year. I think this next post makes up for my neglect. I had the privlidge of photographing baby Seth in his home last weekend! A nice break from the studio.
He was just over a week old and the perfect model. He slept through almost the entire session.... a surprise to his parents!


Monday, October 26, 2009


I recently photographed some paintings for a local artist. The artist also happens to be my very talented sister in law, Paula Swirdowsky. Here are a couple of her more recent paintings. The images don't really do them justice. They are beautiful in person where you can get the full effect of her painting technique. The images have a lot of texture to the paint.
You can search her out on her Facebook fan page or email me for information about her paintings.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fall or Winter??

Well normally that wouldn't require a question mark but the weather really has been crazy this month. But the snow has gone and it seems like fall is with us again and the timing couldn't of been better. This weekend was busy with sessions and it was great to have the warm weather.
Here is a couple shots from this weekend. Gabriella! One of my favorite subjects. We do a portrait session for her birthday each year. Happy 3rd birthday!
She always has a way of making me laugh.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Thank you Again!

Well it is finally is our glimpse of everyone that participated in this years event. I hope I did not forget anyone!

Thank you again for your generous donations!

Enjoy, Jill

Friday, October 2, 2009

Fall Special

It is time for our fall special! We have a great offer for a session with an 8x10 and 20 holiday cards. This package starts at $150.....It all depends on the number of people taking part in the session.
Drop us a line for more details!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


For all of you awaiting the arrival of Jesse!


Monday, September 14, 2009

SCARS fundraiser!

Well another Dog and Cat Days has come and gone. We raised $1200 and over 200kg in pet food!! All of it will be going to help out the Second Chance Animal Rescue Society (SCARS).
Thank you to everyone that participated.
We are busy preparing files and once finished we will post a video and send out the official Thank you cards!

We will update further in a couple of weeks!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Earlier this spring we took part in the St. Albert Life Style Expo....aka Trade Show. As part of our display we had a draw for a session and 16x20. After digging deep into our fish bowl of names and swirling my hand around here is our lucky winner.
It was a pleasure to meet you all! I look forward to photographing Brin those intense blue eyes!! I guess I better remember to bring that tickle stick. :)


Friday, August 21, 2009

2nd Annual Dog and Cats Days of Autumn

It's that time again! We are holding our annual fundraiser for furry critters. This year SCARS is our charity of choice. This society helps less fortunate animals here in Alberta. They are 100% volunteer and foster these animals in their own homes while they wait for a new forever home.

Just like last year the sessions are by appointment. The event will be held on September 11th and 12th between 10am and 6pm. Slots book up fast so don't delay!! Last year the response was great and this year is already starting off the same. We only started advertising yesterday and the phone is already ringing!

Details -- $25 portrait session of your own furry friend. This fee will be donated to SCARS. Last year we raised $1500 and an SUV full of goodies). A further donation of a bag of Quality Puppy Food (approx 5kg -- all manufactures seem to have different weights but somewhere close to 5kg is great!) This food donation gets you a free 5x7 of your furry friend.

Puppy food is the first to run short which is why we are asking for it....but ultimately other food is fine too. Nothing will go to waste as there is always a pet in need.

We look forward to seeing you all!


Monday, August 17, 2009

Old Farm

Here is a look at some shots from an old abandon farm in the area.


Redlick Family

Here is a peek at the Redlick Family! We shot on their property in the Peers area. It started to rain at the time of our session which can be a worry as it is never easy to gather everyone together for a family portrait. But it soon passed!

Thanks for all the laughs!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Road Trip Continued

Once again I will be in the Edson/Peers area photographing family portraits. I will be there from Aug 13 to Aug 16th. I do have a couple of time slots still open, give us a call if you want to book!!

Here are a couple of shot from our trip last month.


Christmas In August

For those of you getting a head start on that Christmas shopping don't forget your cards!! Between August 17 and August 29th we have 50% off our Portrait Session Fees and 50% off our Holiday Cards! Book now to avoid having to gather up the family at the last minute.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Photographing a new born baby is either one of two things.....crying and fussing or silent and peaceful. Gage was the silent peaceful type. He certainly liked to have his arms up behind his head. It was funny because if you tried to move them they just went back up! It made variety a bit tricky but if you waited long enough he would settle in to a new pose. I guess he just wanted to hold it until I really got the shot. Haha!


Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I met these fabulous ladies last week on the top of a parkade! The shoot was to introduce the group and illustrate that they are women in the way up! They are all about the empowerment of women. You can read more about them on their website. An awesome group, I wish them great success with their adventures.

I had a great time with this shoot. Fun and a little bit daring! Always a great combination.


Friday, July 17, 2009

Faces of Business

We recently took part in a project with the St. Albert Chamber of Commerce. It was/is called "Faces of Business". The chamber wants to start using business member images in their publications rather than stock images. I think it is a fabulous idea. Not because I was the one who had the privilege of photographing some of our outstanding local business owners. But because it is a great way to put a face to the name. Sometimes we are so busy keeping our businesses running smoothly from behind the scenes that we are not immediately recognized. This project is a great way to be recognized. I look forward to seeing what the chamber has in store for these images.

I had my assistant Brittany do my portrait. I didn't want to be left out.



As usual there has been a great demand for head shots. And not just for business. It seems this time each year there is an increase in actors head shots. I have had all kinds this year. A couple of people responding to movie casting calls and TV commercials. But mostly it has been a lot of young people trying out for theater. I wish all of you the best of luck with your adventures!

Kate is the fabulous girl in this image series. Enjoy the theater!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Summer Lovin'

We are having a Portrait Special! Summer Lovin' will be in effect from July 10 through to the 17th. Drop us a line to book your session in the great outdoors!
The studio is also starting an annual portrait road trip. We will be shooting in the Edson/Peers area from July 22 through to July 26. So if you are living in those areas call now to book your session....they are booking quick! Or if you don't live in those areas but are willing to drive you can do that too. There are some great back drops -- rustic cars, old barns, etc.
Summer Lovin' Pricing will also be in effect for the road trip!!

Hope you are all enjoying the summer!


Monday, July 6, 2009

Pets, pets, pets!

A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of photographing the staff of an Edmonton vet clinic with their pets. As in any situation involving furry critters I had a great time barking and squeaking to capture every one's attention.
Thank you to the Terwilliger Vet Clinic for the opportunity to create your staff portrait!
I will talk to you soon!


Wednesday, June 24, 2009



Here is a shot from a few weeks ago. Something a little different from my regular you will notice there are no people in this shot. These are the trucks of Boss Truck Service (1989) Ltd. My dad actually owns the company and for a couple of years we have been trying to capture the fleet.... they are always on the move! But here they are all together and clean despite the wet weather that evening.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009


The greatest compliment anyone can give is the referral of a friend or family member. Last December I met and photographed the LeBlanc and Richardson Families. All great people and a super fun portrait session. Here is another member of that group. They were up visiting from the Vancouver area and I had the pleasure of meeting and capturing their portrait. I just love Charlotte's cute chubby baby cheeks!!
It was great to meet you to you soon!


Friday, June 12, 2009

June 6th

Burrrrr! That is something I remember about June 6th. It was so cold for June and so cold for a June wedding. But I have shot in colder is just that those conditions are usually in January. The wedding was beautiful despite the cold. We even had fire trucks! Which made for some fun shots and just happened to coordinate with the red that was part of the wedding's color scheme.
Congratulations Kent and Corinne!


Friday, June 5, 2009

Spring Colors!

I love the colors of spring! The flowering plum trees are my absolute favorite. I wish the blossoms stayed all year but unfortunately they only ever give us a couple of weeks. These trees made a perfect setting for my session last night with Anna. Pink petals are a compliment to any little girl.


Sunday, May 31, 2009

Models Wanted!

We are currently looking for models for our 2010 ad campaign. If you are part of the Graduating class for 2010 we would like you to drop us line. We are looking for fun energetic students! The selected individuals will be used in our advertising for next year. The only catch is that you have to be currently in the 11th grade and be attending a high school in St. Albert or Sturgeon County.

These portrait sessions are fashion inspired can will be in studio or on location. Please include any special hobbies or interests in your application email. We would love to incorporate any
interests into the session whether its is a love of cars or passion for making music. The selected applicants will receive perks for their time. That is code for free stuff. LOL! Once we have finished the sessions the top images will be posted for you an your friends to vote. The top picks will be rewarded. For more detailed information drop us a line via phone or email. We look forward to hearing from you!!


Friday, May 29, 2009

New Background!

Here is a shot of Brittany with the new background that we are loving so much!! Its not quite finished yet but we could not resist the opportunity to test it. It inspires so many new ideas.

Enjoy, Jill

PS. I just returned from the Professional Photographers of Canada national convention a couple of days ago. It was a great time. I caught up with old friends and made many new ones. The speakers I attended were inspiring and full of fantastic advice on marketing and shooting. It is a great feeling to return from these conventions with an arsenal of new tricks up my sleeve. I can't wait to share them over the next few sessions.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Happy Cake Day!!

Here is a few favorites from a session to celebrate Mik's 1st birthday.
A fun way to document his 1st birthday!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Babies are a great subject to photograph. So small and full of great expressions. Here are a few of my favorite baby shots from about the last month or so. Some really great little faces.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Class of 2009!

For those of you that want a grad portrait that goes beyond the standard cap and gown this is for you! We are offering package specials for the Class of 2009! Your portrait session can be in studio or on location. Casual or formal. For those girls having practice hair and make up done this is the perfect opportunity to have some great shots done in your formal wear. Or maybe you want a session done with your best friend or with an object that says something about you! This is a great time for those guys that ride motorcycles or have a great vehicle.......a portrait with something that says you!
Give the studio a call or email to book your session!

Wedding Bells

Here is the Wedding Bells ad! This will be published in the next issue of Wedding Bells magazine this summer. I love what the designer has put together. I can't wait to hear some feed back!


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone is having a great holiday! The weather is beautiful and that makes for a fabulous long weekend.

I hope the Easter Bunny didn't forget you!



Once again I have had the pleasure of photographing an up and coming country musician. And she happens to have grown up in the Edson/Peers Alberta area. That is my home too! Tatum and I did a shoot outside last week. The weather was great......spring has finally arrived. I wish Tatum all the best with her demo!!


Monday, March 30, 2009

Viva Las Vegas

I have just returned from a quick trip to Las Vegas! Warm, sunny, shopping and a wedding. Pam and Dean decided to tie the knot at the Luxor. And was it ever quick!!! Seriously, if you blinked you would of missed it......3 minutes. Here are a few shots from the day. And check out her them!!

Congratulations Pam and Dean!
