Friday, August 21, 2009

2nd Annual Dog and Cats Days of Autumn

It's that time again! We are holding our annual fundraiser for furry critters. This year SCARS is our charity of choice. This society helps less fortunate animals here in Alberta. They are 100% volunteer and foster these animals in their own homes while they wait for a new forever home.

Just like last year the sessions are by appointment. The event will be held on September 11th and 12th between 10am and 6pm. Slots book up fast so don't delay!! Last year the response was great and this year is already starting off the same. We only started advertising yesterday and the phone is already ringing!

Details -- $25 portrait session of your own furry friend. This fee will be donated to SCARS. Last year we raised $1500 and an SUV full of goodies). A further donation of a bag of Quality Puppy Food (approx 5kg -- all manufactures seem to have different weights but somewhere close to 5kg is great!) This food donation gets you a free 5x7 of your furry friend.

Puppy food is the first to run short which is why we are asking for it....but ultimately other food is fine too. Nothing will go to waste as there is always a pet in need.

We look forward to seeing you all!


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