Friday, June 27, 2008


I just wanted to take a moment to talk about head shots. They are very important for a person's business image. I mean you wouldn't just use a marker and a piece of card board to make your sign or logo. So why would you use an old outdated snap shot to portray yourself??

Whether you are an actor, politician, CEO, or even a photographer you have likely needed a head shot at some point in your career. Maybe it was for a campaign, a business card, a website, or an audition. No matter what the use, the head shot is an important tool for identification, even name recognition. So it is important that you have a head shot that represents you in your best light. Natural and approachable. And of coarse flattering.........nothing is more unflattering than a big old flash bouncing off your face while you are standing right up next to a wall!
That's just a little something to think about the next time you open a newspaper or check out a website.
And now I am off to change the business world one head shot at a time.


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