Sunday, June 22, 2008

June 21, 2008

Tanya.....fabulous friend and wedding coordinator extraordinaire.

A little fish eye lens fun with the wedding party.

Yesterday was beautiful day.....the weather was great and I was part of a fabulous wedding. I did a little double duty....bridesmaid/photographer! Not something I would recommend to everyone but I would do anything for Angie and Warren. They are 2 of the greatest friends anyone could have.

The day was filled with lots of love and great times. It went off without a hitch.....well according to me anyways. I am a big believer in everything happens for a when the music failed and the first dance was delayed, it was obvious that in side the hall was not meant to be. And it couldn't have been more perfect if it had been planned to have this dance outside as the sun went down.....thanks to the best man's car stereo system.
(The music started working again later....)

I hope you enjoy a few shots from the day!


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